Music, Undergrad, Primary subj/catnum sort
DAN 304 - Special Topics in Contemporary Practice (also MUS 301/THR 321/VIS 320)
HUM 470 - Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities (also CLA 470/ECS 470/MUS 470)
MPP 213 - Projects in Instrumental Performance
MPP 214 - Projects in Vocal Performance (also MTD 214/THR 217)
MPP 215 - Projects in Jazz Performance
MPP 216 - Techniques of Conducting
MUS 103 - Introduction to Western Music
MUS 104 - When Music Is Made
MUS 105 - Music Theory through Performance and Composition
MUS 106 - Music Theory through Performance and Composition
MUS 205 - Species Counterpoint
MUS 206 - Tonal Syntax
MUS 210 - Beginning Workshop in Musical Composition
MUS 220 - The Opera (also MTD 220)
MUS 221 - History of Western Choral Music
MUS 225 - Instrumental Music: The Symphony from Haydn to Florence Price
MUS 230 - Music in the Middle Ages (also MED 230)
MUS 232 - Music in the Renaissance
MUS 234 - Music of the Baroque
MUS 236 - Music of the Classical Period
MUS 240 - Musical Modernism 1890-1945
MUS 242 - Music After Modernism, 1945 to the Present
MUS 250 - Musical Cultures of the World
MUS 251 - Music and Film
MUS 258 - Music of Africa (also AFS 258)
MUS 260 - Music Traditions in North America (also AMS 309)
MUS 262 - Jazz History: Many Sounds, Many Voices (also AAS 262)
MUS 264 - Urban Blues and the Golden Age of Rock (also URB 264)
MUS 270 - Medieval and Renaissance Music from Original Notation (also MED 270)
MUS 308 - Contemporary Music through Composition and Performance
MUS 309 - Topics in Tonal Analysis
MUS 310 - Advanced Workshop in Musical Composition
MUS 311 - Jazz Theory through Improvisation and Composition I
MUS 312 - Jazz Theory through Improvisation and Composition II
MUS 314 - Computer and Electronic Music through Programming, Performance, and Composition (also COS 314)
MUS 316 - Computer and Electronic Music Composition
MUS 333 - Bach and Handel
MUS 339 - Russian Music (also RES 311/SLA 311)
MUS 430 - Topics in History, Analysis, and Interpretation
MUS 431 - Topics in History, Analysis, and Interpretation
THR 330 - Special Topics in Performance Practice (also MTD 330/MUS 328)
Music, Undergrad, Filtered subj/catnum sort
MPP 213 - Projects in Instrumental Performance
MPP 214 - Projects in Vocal Performance (also MTD 214/THR 217)
MPP 215 - Projects in Jazz Performance
MPP 216 - Techniques of Conducting
MUS 103 - Introduction to Western Music
MUS 104 - When Music Is Made
MUS 105 - Music Theory through Performance and Composition
MUS 106 - Music Theory through Performance and Composition
MUS 205 - Species Counterpoint
MUS 206 - Tonal Syntax
MUS 210 - Beginning Workshop in Musical Composition
MUS 220 - The Opera (also MTD 220)
MUS 221 - History of Western Choral Music
MUS 225 - Instrumental Music: The Symphony from Haydn to Florence Price
MUS 230 - Music in the Middle Ages (also MED 230)
MUS 232 - Music in the Renaissance
MUS 234 - Music of the Baroque
MUS 236 - Music of the Classical Period
MUS 240 - Musical Modernism 1890-1945
MUS 242 - Music After Modernism, 1945 to the Present
MUS 250 - Musical Cultures of the World
MUS 251 - Music and Film
MUS 258 - Music of Africa (also AFS 258)
MUS 260 - Music Traditions in North America (also AMS 309)
MUS 262 - Jazz History: Many Sounds, Many Voices (also AAS 262)
MUS 264 - Urban Blues and the Golden Age of Rock (also URB 264)
MUS 270 - Medieval and Renaissance Music from Original Notation (also MED 270)
DAN 304 - Special Topics in Contemporary Practice (also MUS 301/THR 321/VIS 320)
MUS 308 - Contemporary Music through Composition and Performance
MUS 309 - Topics in Tonal Analysis
MUS 310 - Advanced Workshop in Musical Composition
MUS 311 - Jazz Theory through Improvisation and Composition I
MUS 312 - Jazz Theory through Improvisation and Composition II
MUS 314 - Computer and Electronic Music through Programming, Performance, and Composition (also COS 314)
MUS 316 - Computer and Electronic Music Composition
THR 330 - Special Topics in Performance Practice (also MTD 330/MUS 328)
MUS 333 - Bach and Handel
MUS 339 - Russian Music (also RES 311/SLA 311)
MUS 430 - Topics in History, Analysis, and Interpretation
MUS 431 - Topics in History, Analysis, and Interpretation
HUM 470 - Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities (also CLA 470/ECS 470/MUS 470)
Music, Graduate, with Description, Filtered subject/catnum sort
MUS 501 - Musicology as a Profession
This seminar seeks to enhance and refine the skills required for the successful preparation of the general examination in musicology and the oral defense. The seminar also takes up, in hands-on fashion, archival research methods, digital research (including AI tools), interview methods, the writing of the dissertation prospectus, grant applications, conference abstracts and proposals, articles, reviews, and the broader publication process. The seminar is interactive, based on weekly assignments that address both the requirements of Princeton's graduate program and the challenges of the entire profession.
MUS 504 - Medieval Musical Style and Notation (also HLS 540)
Examines musical notation along paleographic, semiotic, and aesthetic lines, and addresses theoretical and practical problems of transcription. Focuses on earliest notations of the Christian east and west and later, the emergence of rhythmic notation.
MUS 510 - Extramural Research Internship
MUS510 is for students in the department who wish to gain experience of central importance to their area of study by working outside of the University capacity. For composition students, this might include working with theater companies, dance troupes, or other relevant organizations. For musicology students this might include archival research or performance. Course objectives and content are determined by student's adviser in consultation with the external institution. Students submit monthly progress reports including goals and progress to date, and any evaluations received from host institution or published reviews of the final product.
MUS 512 - Topics in Medieval Music (also MED 512)
Source-critical, historical, and stylistic studies of one of the late medieval polyphonic repertories are studied.
MUS 513 - Topics in 19th- and Early 20th-Century Music
Text-critical and analytic studies in the works of one or several of the major figures are studied.
MUS 514 - Topics in 19th- and Early 20th-Century Music
Text-critical and analytic studies in the works of one or several of the major figures are studied.
MUS 515 - Topics in the History of Opera
Critical, historical, and analytic studies of music, language, and drama in the European operatic tradition are studied.
MUS 519 - Topics in Music from 1600 to 1800
This seminar explores one or more topics in the history, analysis, and interpretation of music of the seventeenth and/or eighteenth century. Recent seminars have included: Handel in Italy; Gender and Sexuality in the Music of Early Modern Italy; Francesco Cavalli: Sources and Interpretation; J.S. Bach.
MUS 520 - Topics in Music from 1600 to 1800
This seminar explores one or more topics in the history, analysis, and interpretation of music of the seventeenth and/or eighteenth century. Recent seminars have included: Handel in Italy; Gender and Sexuality in the Music of Early Modern Italy; Francesco Cavalli: Sources and Interpretation; J.S. Bach.
MUS 525 - Topics in Music from 1400 to 1600
Studies in one or more of the major vocal or instrumental repertories of the 15th and 16th centuries are explored.
MUS 527 - Seminar in Musicology
Original work in areas of current musicological significance are presented to and reviewed by the seminar as the occasion arises. Emphasis is given to student projects, but work in progress by any member of the seminar may be discussed or a topic of particular controversy examined.
MUS 528 - Seminar in Musicology
Original work in areas of current musicological significance are presented to and reviewed by the seminar as the occasion arises. Emphasis is given to student projects, but work in progress by any member of the seminar may be discussed or a topic of particular controversy examined.
MUS 531 - Composition
Emphasis is placed on the individual student's original work and the study and discussion of pieces pertinent to that work.
MUS 532 - Composition
Emphasis is placed on the individual student's original work and the study and discussion of pieces pertinent to that work.
COM 532 - Publishing Articles in Literature, Art, and Music Studies Journals (also ART 531/ENG 591/MUS 533)
In this class, students of literature, art, and music read deeply and broadly in peer-reviewed journals in their disciplines and fields as a way of learning current scholarly debates and placing their scholarship in relationship to them. Students report each week on the trends in the last five years of any journal of their choice, writing up the articles' arguments and debates, while also revising a paper in relationship to those debates and preparing it for publication. This course enables students to leap forward in their scholarly writing through a better understanding of their fields and the significance of their work to them.
MUS 534 - Ends and Means: Issues in Composition
A consideration of the more elusive but fundamental aspects of composition: continuity; change (goal-directed, circular, sudden); tempo and texture; rhythms of harmony, contrapuntal interaction, succession of ideas, and surface attack; the "extra-musical;" contextual logic and ad hoc systems; and sonic image, form, and idea.
MUS 537 - Points of Focus in 20th-Century Music
Selected areas in 20th-century music are chosen for detailed examination and study. Representative works are subjected to critical scrutiny, and an attempt may be made to draw conclusions regarding larger theoretical, analytical, and social issues.
MUS 538 - Computer Music: Compositional Applications
The use and design of computer-based synthetic instruments and compositional software is studied. The emphasis is on the construction of computer-musical environments, for the realization of sound as well as for compositional assistance.
MUS 540 - Composing Opera
An introduction to some of the compositional problems pertinent to opera. Musical potentials of language and dramatic structure as well as theatrical potentials of music are explored through experiments in text setting and libretto construction.
MUS 541 - Seminar in Music Composition
A seminar focusing on the relationship (symbiotic or otherwise) between artistic creation and intellectual inquiry in compositional practice. Course will deal with practical concerns by sharing works in progress, recent works, and by hosting performers who are currently collaborating with members of the seminar. Although all composition graduate students are welcome, the seminar is especially geared toward first-and second-year students in composition.
MUS 542 - Instrumentation and Performance
A study of the characteristics of individual instruments, including extended contemporary techniques and writing arrangements for chamber ensemble and for orchestra. Special attention is given to problems of combining voice and instruments. The arrangements written for this class are performed by the Composers' Ensemble at Princeton and the Princeton University Orchestra, and problems of performance involving notation, rehearsal, and conducting are dealt with.
MUS 545 - Contexts of Composition
An examination of the proliferating variety of relations between composers and composition, in film, theater, and dance; technologically based systems and collaborative situations. Extended meanings of composition, including new applications made possible by technology and recording and the exploration of musical extensibility of subjects such as meditation, games, ritual, social action, and cognitive science.
MUS 548 - Creative Practice in Cultural Perspective
A consideration of the cultural context of creative practice, including social, political, and ethical factors. The course explores how creative practice manifests and challenges societal norms and how the role of the artist is situated in culture. Topics include specialization (vis-à-vis the amateur); cultural appropriation and representation; and identity.
MUS 550 - Current Topics in Theory and Analysis
The presentation and examination of an important work of current interest in theory and analysis and original research of faculty members and graduate students are explored.
MUS 560 - Music Cognition Lab
Under the direction of a faculty member, and in collaboration with an interdisciplinary group of students, visitors, and postdocs, the student carries out a one-semester research project chosen jointly by the student and the faculty. Open to any graduate student in Music, this course provides a hands-on opportunity to learn the tools, skills, methods, and perspectives of music cognition research.
MUS 561 - Music Cognition Lab
Under the direction of a faculty member, and in collaboration with an interdisciplinary group of students, visitors, and postdocs, the student carries out a one-semester research project chosen jointly by the student and the faculty. Open to any graduate student in Music, this course provides a hands-on opportunity to learn the tools, skills, methods, and perspectives of music cognition research.